Beginner Level 初级水平
If you have little or no knowledge of English, this programme provides a strong foundation in English literacy for the workplace. Learn to read and write simple words or phrases, and basic communication in daily context. You will be able to handle routine entry-level jobs that only require basic oral or written communication in English.
如果你对英语知之甚少或不了解,本课程为工作场所的英 语提供了坚实的基础。学习阅读和编写简单的单词或短 语,以及日常环境中的基本沟通。学员将能用英语在日常 入门级工作中进行基本的口头或书面交流。
Intermediate Level 中级水平
Gain the ability to understand routine work-related conversations. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and simple written instructions and interact with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.
获得理解日常工作相关对话的能力。您将能够处理涉及口头和 简单书面指示并与公众互动的工作。您还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务以满足工作需求。
Advanced Level 高级水平
This programme helps you understand routine work-related conversations, clarify general meaning and communicate in both social and work settings. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and written instructions and interact fluently with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks involving logs, reports, and forms with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.
本课程能帮助您理解日常工作相关的对话,阐明一般意义并在 社交和工作环境中进行交流。您将能够处理涉及口头和书面指 示的工作,并与公众流利地互动。学员还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务,例如日志,报告,表格等,以满足工作需求。