Refine your communication skills with improved English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

The English Accelerator Course (also known as the Workplace Literacy Programme) is designed to improve your English literacy in reading, listening, speaking and writing).

Its purpose is to help learners gain access to better jobs and courses that are conducted in English. With the new blended English Accelerator Course, you can learn anywhere & anytime!

英文速成课程 – 旨在全面性提升您的英语能力(阅读,听力,口语和写作)。 其目的是提升您的受雇能力和帮助您参加以英语授课的培训课程。我们新版的英文速成课程能让您随时随地学习,掌握英语!

This programme is delivered by our training partner, Training Vision Institute.

For Individuals
This programme is for individuals who are looking for positive in-employment outcome, better job performance or expansion in job scope.

For Employers
The English Accelerator Course is designed to help your staff gain comprehensive literacy skills to listen, read, speak and write in English, thereby increasing their potential for higher performance on the job.

Beginner Level 初级水平
If you have little or no knowledge of English, this programme provides a strong foundation in English literacy for the workplace. Learn to read and write simple words or phrases, and basic communication in daily context. You will be able to handle routine entry-level jobs that only require basic oral or written communication in English.

如果你对英语知之甚少或不了解,本课程为工作场所的英 语提供了坚实的基础。学习阅读和编写简单的单词或短 语,以及日常环境中的基本沟通。学员将能用英语在日常 入门级工作中进行基本的口头或书面交流。

Intermediate Level 中级水平
Gain the ability to understand routine work-related conversations. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and simple written instructions and interact with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.

获得理解日常工作相关对话的能力。您将能够处理涉及口头和 简单书面指示并与公众互动的工作。您还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务以满足工作需求。

Advanced Level 高级水平
This programme helps you understand routine work-related conversations, clarify general meaning and communicate in both social and work settings. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and written instructions and interact fluently with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks involving logs, reports, and forms with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.

本课程能帮助您理解日常工作相关的对话,阐明一般意义并在 社交和工作环境中进行交流。您将能够处理涉及口头和书面指 示的工作,并与公众流利地互动。学员还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务,例如日志,报告,表格等,以满足工作需求。

Learners are required to take a Pre-Course assessment to ascertain their level of English proficiency and a Post-course assessment to be eligible for course fee funding.

学员需要进行课前评估以确定他们适合水平的英语班级和 课程后评估以有资格获得课程费用津贴。

Results will be released 5 days upon completion of test. 


The Candidate Report issued by British Council (Singapore) will reflect the individual’s results for each component completed (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing).

Course TitleHoursFull Course FeeUp to 90% Subsidy *1Up to 80% Subsidy *2
Comprehensive 全面 ( All levels 所有水平 )90
Conversational 对话 ( All levels 所有水平 )45$845.30$134.30$213.30
Writing 写作 ( All levels 所有水平 )45$845.30$134.30$213.30
1 Modality2 M Modalities odality3 Modalities4 Modalities
Full Fee 全额费用* $42.80
After Subsidy 补助后*$4.28$8.56$12.84$17.12
  1. For Singaporean / PR above 40 years old
  2. For Singaporean / PR between 21 to 39 years old

Each lesson will be segmented into “Pre-Class”, “In-Class” & “Post-Class”

​每节课将分为“课前” , “在课上” 和“课后” 部分​

Learners are required to take a Pre-Course assessment to ascertain their level of English proficiency and a Post-course assessment to be eligible for course fee funding.

学员需要进行课前评估以确定他们适合水平的英语班级和 课程后评估以有资格获得课程费用津贴。

Results will be released 5 days upon completion of test.


  1. Prices are inclusive of GST
  2. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) subsidy is based on the learner’s eligibility, fulfilling SSG required attendance hours, deemed competent by SSG via criteria such as the passing of assessments and final approval subject to SSG.
  3. All Singaporean aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange course directory
  4. Futurasia Professionals and TVI reserves the right to bill the student the full course fee should student fail to be eligible for subsidy. 
  5. A non-refundable administration fee will be applied.
  6. Singaporean / Permanent Resident is entitled to subsidised test fees
  7. No subsidy if retest taken within 90 days of the last test
  8. For sessions held at Community Centres/Club, Futurasia Professionals and Training Vision Institute may disclose any information relating to the learner to People’s Association, the Community Centres/Club where the training is held and Employment & Employability Institute Pte Ltd, for the purpose of audits in relation to this course.
  • 价格包含消费税
  • 补助取决于新加坡精深技能发展局 (SSG) 补助取决于 SSG 的评估和最终批准学习者的资格和满 足SSG 要求的课堂出勤率
  • 愿景培英学院保留在SSG未批准其SSG补贴的任何情况下向学员收取课程全额费用的权利
  • 将收取评估费(如需要) 所有25岁及以上的新加坡人都可以使用政府所提供的$500技能创前程培训补助来支持各种经过批准的技能相关 课程. 您可以浏览技能创前程培训补助的网站 (www.skillsfuture.sg/credit). 从课程目录中挑选您想要报名的课程 – 新加坡公民/永久居民有资格获得测试费的津贴 – 如果在90天内进行重新测试,不能享受测试费津贴



programme in partnership with Training Vision Institute

Awarded by

Bristish Council