Expand your skill-sets and stay relevant in this fast-changing world.

Our professional and self development courses are designed with core employability skills that will put you at the forefront of today’s workforce. Are you Work Ready?

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Are You Work-Ready? Explore Our Programmes

We offer a full range of short courses designed to teach you the skills required by today’s (and tomorrow’s) workplace

SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace

SkillsFuture For Digital Workplace

A short 2-day course to master digital skills in this fun and guided hands-on digital workshop. 

SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace

SkillFuture For Digital Workplace

A short 2-day course that will introduce you to the power of digital skills, e-commerce, and social media.

Smart Nation Digital Workplace

Smart Nation Digital Workplace

A programme designed to equip you with knowledge of modern communication tools through hands-on learning. 

Mid-Career Ready Training

Mid-Career Ready

Find out how to use apps such as Canva, SnapSAFE, Padlet and MindMeister Mind Tools to help you move ahead in your workplace.


Service Excellence for Champions

A supervisory level course for Service Coaches with the skills and competencies to nurture and supervise staff for service excellence.

people, man, bartender

Service Transformer

Be the best version of yourself in service excellence to create and define your desired service experience for your customers.

WorkSmart Key Office Tools

WorkSmart: Key Office Tools

Learn to use essential office software and take your employability and productivity to the next level.

English Accelerator Course

English Accelerator Course

Improve your skills in English through this immersive and interactive programme!

ICDL Image Editing

ICDL Image Editing

A skill in digital design concepts is a must for every professional who dabbles in the world of marketing and creatives.

Need Help For Your Career Development?