Modern workplace is ever changing. The nature of jobs are changing so quickly. To stay relevant and employable, you need to invest in staying ahead with the right skills. Smart Nation Digital Workplace is a course designed to equip you with knowledge of modern communication tools through hands-on learning.

You will also develop emotional self-awareness, set career goals, and learn how to use effective communication techniques to interpret, clarify, analyse and respond.

We are partnering with Training Vision Institute to provide you with the skills and knowledge to remain relevant in this Smart Nation economy

For Individuals
This programme is for individuals who wants to upgrade their knowledge and soft skills to stay relevant and employable in today’s fast-changing, digitalised workplace. Learn about the different workplace apps that can help you get started on your digital journey.

For Employers
In an increasingly digitised workplace, equip your staff and talents to utilise workplace
apps and be able to cultivate a positive emotional climate at the workplace.

Learn How To Use Apps

Module 1: Technology Application
The earner will be able to become future ready and remain industry-relevant in new age job roles that are assisted by technology and digital transformation.

Module 2: Maintain Personal Presentation & Employability at Operations Level
On completion of the unit, the learner will be able to analyse their strengths and weaknesses and how they can improve on their grooming, employability and competencies skills.

Module 3: Apply Emotional Competence to Manage Self at the Workplace
On completion of the unit, the learner will be able to understand and apply self-awareness techniques and model Emotional Intelligence principles to facilitate understanding and management of self and others in a team and to cultivate a positive emotional climate at the workplace.

Module 4: Communicate and Relate Effectively  at the Workplace at Operations Level
On completion of this unit, the learner will be able to use effective communication techniques to interpret, clarify, analyse and respond to information received, and use effective negotiation skills to resolve conficts for a win-win outcome, taking into consideration social and cultural differences.

Upon completion of each module, a Statement of Attainment (SOA) will be awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Course TitleHoursFull Course Fee Up to 90% Subsidy *1Up to 80% Subsidy *2
Technology Application16$481.50$81.50$209.50
Maintain Personal Presentation & Employability at Operations Level16$363.80$57.80$91.80
Apply Emotional Competence to Manage Self at the Workplace16$363.80$57.80$91.80
Communicate and Relate Effectively at the Workplace16$363.80$57.80$91.80
  1. For Singaporean / PR above 40 years old
  2. For Singaporean / PR between 21 to 39 years old
  1. Prices are inclusive of GST
  2. Subsidies are dependent on the criteria set by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and NTUC
  3. All Singaporean aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange course directory
  4. Futurasia Professionals and TVI reserves the right to bill the student the full course fee should student fail to be eligible for subsidy. 
  5. A non-refundable administration fee will be applied.
  6. For sessions held at Community Centres/Club, Futurasia Professionals and Training Vision Institute may disclose any information relating to the learner to People’s Association, the Community Centres/Club where the training is held and Employment & Employability Institute Pte Ltd, for the purpose of audits in relation to this course.



programme in partnership with Training Vision Institute